Partners in Purpose

Welcome to motive

We help businesses and their leaders tackle the challenges of today, and get ready for tomorrow, through the mobilizing power of Purpose.

We’re a small but diverse team of highly experienced change agents, with expertise in purpose, sustainability, leadership, culture change and brand/communications.

Our clients range from start-ups to 10,000-employee global businesses. They share with us a belief that business is better when everyone’s mobilized around a positive Purpose. They choose us because of our results focus and our ability to to help them navigate the change and join the dots.

If you’d like to learn more, we’d love to talk.

What we do.

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Purpose Strategy & Narrative.

We work with you to define your organisation’s Purpose,and design a Purpose-aligned strategy that creates measurable value for multiple stakeholder groups.

We help you craft a Purpose narrative that combines the strategic logic and narrative magic to unify and mobilise all key stakeholders.

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Sustainability Strategy & Roadmap.

Purpose-led companies take full ownership of their impacts on people and planet, across their whole value chain. They are committed to reducing harm, on the way to becoming restorative.

We help you map your company’s sustainability journey and enrol employees, customers, suppliers and others in helping achieve bold goals. 

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Purpose Leadership, Activation & Culture Change.

We don’t think the job is done until employees and then other key stakeholder groups feel and act like eager, willing partners in your company’s Purpose.

We’ll help you develop a thriving culture where everyone is Purpose-enrolled and equipped to respond dynamically to the challenges of our fast-changing world.



We offer a number of smaller engagements, from 1 hour to 1 day in
duration, to give organisations an espresso-taster of the motive way


Purpose Inspiration
& Buy-In

A workshop in which we bring to life the why, the what and the how of Purpose.


Small Business Accelerator

A 1/2 day or full day Purpose workshop designed for SMEs.


Diagnostic: How Purpose-Driven is your Organisation?

A conversation using our Diagnostic tool will help you think through where you are - and where next.


Purpose-Driven Team

In a world of remote- and hybrid-working, it's an ideal time to power up your team through Purpose.


Our clients and their challenges


Collectively, we have completed projects for a wide variety of organisations – commercial and not-for-profit.  They range from start-ups to major multinationals, such as Unilever, Novartis and Manpower.

Here are some examples of the kinds of challenges clients come to us with. 

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started on Purpose”

We’re at the start line on this. We need help in tackling the big questions: what’s OUR Purpose? How can Purpose grow our profits as well as our positive impact in the world? How can Purpose help us shape an amazing culture and place to work?

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“Our Purpose
is just a

We reckon our Purpose is powerful, but it’s not much more than words in the annual report. How can we engage hearts and minds, bring it to life in everything we do, and achieve amazing outcomes for both our customers and our people?

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We need to survive before we can thrive”

In the short term we feel overwhelmed with challenges: rising costs, supply chain problems, increased competition, recruitment issues. Can a  Purpose-led approach help us navigate the storm, on the way to a thriving future?

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“Reset our strategic compass”

The world and our marketplace is changing too fast for a 100-page 5-year strategy. What we do need is a sharp, Purpose-led strategic framework to help us choose the right priorities and make good decisions on the fly. 

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Reboot our culture post-pandemic”

We’ve a lot more remote and hybrid working. People are feeling a bit jaded and the sense of meaning and belonging is missing.

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“Turn Net Zero
into a business opportunity”

We’ve done the basics in terms of environmental sustainability and CSR, but we know we need a proper, science-based Net Zero strategy. How can we turn this from obligation to opportunity - attracting the best people and differentiating with customers?


Meet the team.

We have brought together a team of experts in unleashing positive change, from multiple perspectives: including strategy, narrative, culture, brand development and communications.


Will Gardner

I like to work with client organisations on Purpose discovery, strategy development, and engaging people as active partners in Purpose.


Ruth Birley

I help companies build brands that customers find truly magnetic, because together they are taking action for a better world.


Alex Base

I weave our Purpose work together with the development of a regenerative and responsible sustainability/ESG strategies and the leadership development / behavioural competencies required to transition organisations.


Sarah Flynn

I support leaders and changemakers to thrive as they create purposeful change in the world.


Fiona Hiscocks

I bring my culture experience to motive to make sure that clients draw on their cultural qualities and team energy as the spark to uncover their Purpose potential.


Sarah Holloway

I bring my sustainability experience to help clients create robust, compelling strategies for positive impact.


Kevin Hitchmough

My work encompasses a wide range of people development practice, including consultancy, training, coaching and facilitation.


Emma Young

I’m passionate about the power of communication to create positive, sustainable, and authentic change.


Ian Higginson

At motive, we specialize in making positive change attractive and engaging. I bring the power of creative design to help client organisations fully express Purpose and Values, engage stakeholders and achieve lasting change.


Wendy Aitken

I am passionate about building capability within organisations and how learning can support and drive the change agenda.


Rebecca Wilson

I love providing the creative content spark to inspire and stretch thinking.


Our thoughts

Let’s Work Together

Whether you're interested in our support, or partnership, or just an exploratory chat - do get in touch. Complete the form or reach out to Will directly at